Rosehip Collection -25+ Things to do with Rosehips

It's time to collect rosehips. I remember, not too long ago, doing a search for rosehip recipes and finding only a few traditional recipes (syrup/tea/jam etc). I've recently been saving "pins" at "pinterest" and I'm surprised and inspired by all the recipes that are popping up. If you don't know pinterest it's an excellent place to store, organise and share images from bookmarked pages on the web. It's a very inspiring place to visit, but be warned it's also a very dangerous time consumer and completely addictive. The phrase; "Stop pinning and start making" should  be remembered!
One of the reasons I started blogging was to find a place to store all the things I'm discovering. I hope and intend to start making some of these recipes soon. Hope you find some inspiration for your rosehips. Please let me know if you have any other ideas.


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